ClickyPointy - My click point adventure game framework

It's been a long time in the making (almost 1 year's worth of work) but my click point adventure game framework - ClickyPointy - is finally complete! Right now I am on version 2!

There are many click point adventure game creators out there, however most are either written in DOM based elements in javascript which makes it very clunky, or they are written in Unity which (at the time of when this article was written) doesn't compile small enough for a mobile device (very big files and long loading times). My framework was written within Phaser which is already the quickest and most mobile friendly game framework around because it's so lightweight.

Built ontop of the Phaser framework there are many things that you can do with this framework. They include:

  • A fully implemented inventory record system
  • A fully animated player in the scene whom can only walk in a permitted area
  • Staged loading per room which will stagger your users loading times
  • The ability to add multiple rooms to your game
  • A fully customisable json file which will deal with the loading of assets and manage your inventory items, npcs and their animations and target zone animations
  • A touch ready based menu system for the verbs
  • Playing sound sprites from mp3 files for conversations - 1 speech file per room and a generic speech file for regularly used player speeches
  • The ability to add an item to your inventory based on a conversation
  • The ability to add/remove conversations with other characters based on conversations you've had with other NPCs
  • The ability to add/remove conversation availability based on whether you have a particular item in your inventory
  • The ability to tween other NPCs based on a conversation
  • The ability to animate other NPCs based on a conversation
  • Skip segments of a conversation based on whether you possess a particular item or not
  • Skip segments of a conversation based on whether a target zone is in a particular state or not
  • Automatic saving. If the user closes their session down, the session is remembered on their next visit and a screenshot is shown showing the user where they were

As a result of the above, you'll be able to produce various types of puzzles in your games. When creating this framework, I wanted to adhere to some types of puzzle that have been used in older games. Fortunately this article gave me some great insight, and I've used it to produce some of the most common types of puzzles. Below I've listed them along with an example in my Bayou Island game which uses that puzzle type:

  • Item Use - Use the spade on the x in the sand to get the treasure chest
  • Item Inspection - Open the treasure chest to get the pirate coin
  • Diversion - Distract the occult book store owner by using the radio player. You can then use the mallet on the glass case to see what's inside
  • Order of Operations - You need to use the glue on the step first so that the old man can't go back inside the bar
  • Conversation - You can keep asking the bartender for the alcoholic drink and you'll eventually be given it

I really do think I have catered towards any eventuality in a click point adventure game. Please give my latest game Bayou Island a try and see what you think. Any comments or suggestions please either email me or write in the comments section below.


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